Important: Update Your Chaos License Server by January 28, 2025 To ensure uninterrupted access to your licenses, an essential update is required by January 28, 2025. Failure to update your Chaos license server will result in the loss of access to your licenses. For detailed instructions, please visit the FAQ Article.
- Step 1: Install Arena
- Step 2: Activate your license
- Step 3: Launch Arena
This page details how to download and install the Chaos License Server for Chaos Arena.
Chaos Arena requires a Chaos License Server running on a machine in the network, accessible by the Arena Server and all render and operator machines.
In order to be able to run Chaos Arena you need the following licenses to be active in your Chaos account:
- A single Arena Server App license for the Server application.
- One Arena Render Node license for each render and operator machine.
The machine where the license server is installed needs to be connected to the Internet at the time of installation and activation of the licenses.
Offline (borrowed) licenses can be very useful in order to avoid relying on constant Internet connectivity. More information can be found here - Borrowing Licenses for Offline Use
After borrowing licenses for offline use the license server machine can be disconnected from the Internet and connected to the network where the rest of the machines are connected so it can provide licenses for all other nodes.
Installation Process
This process follows the steps for downloading and installing the Chaos License separately from any Chaos product.
Download the Installer
Download the Chaos License Server installer from the Downloads section of the Chaos website. Log in to access it. Download the latest version of the License Server and open the file.
Download the License Server
Run The Installer and Accept the EULA
On the Linux OS, please use your local user with the sudo command instead of the root user to run the installer.
Read carefully and accept the End User License Agreement andthe Global Consumer Privacy Policy.
Then, click on the Install button. If you want to modify the installation, click on the Advanced button.
Advanced options
The Advanced installation provides the following additional options:
Destination directory – Allows you to enter a custom license server install directory.
Add firewall exception– Enabling this option allows the default licensing port (TCP 30304) in the firewall. If you disable it at this step, you will need to manuallyadd firewall exceptionslater.
Once you are happy with your setup, click Install to begin the installation. The Help button takes you to this documentation.
Windows Default Install path - C:\Program Files\Chaos\VRLService
Linux Default Install path - /usr/Chaos/VRLService
macOS Default Install path - /Applications/Chaos/VRLService
The The The button aborts the installation process.
button lets you go back to the previous step of the installation process.
button takes you to the License Setup page for Chaos Products.
Complete the Installation
If any applications associated with the License Server are open, the installation wizard will close them before attempting installation. Please wait patiently for this process to complete; it might take a few minutes.
After that, the wizard completes the installation. Click Finish.
The application is now registered as a service on your machine. You can now Start,Stop,andManage Chaos License Serverfrom your system. To access these functions:
- For Windows: you can use the Start Menu shortcuts, located in the Start Menu > All Apps > Chaos
For Linux:go to Terminal and move to the directory of your vrlservice.service file. By default, it is located at /usr/Chaos/VRLService/bin. To start the license server, use sudo systemctl start vrlservice.service.To stop or check the status of the service, replace the start command with stop or status.
For macOS:use sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/com.chaos_group.vrol.plist to start the service and sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.chaos_group.vrol.plist to stop the service. These commands are entered in Terminal and will prompt you to enter your macOS user password.
Activate the License
The wizard will automatically prompt you to activate. Enter your Chaos credentials. In case you have forgotten your password, click on the Forgot your password?link and it redirects you to a webpage where you can create a new password. TheOther Sign in optionslink redirects you to theChaos login page, where you can log in using a Google account, a Trimble account, or a corporate email.
If you don't want to activate the license right now, you can clickSkipand activate it through your browser later. Keep in mind that you cannot access Chaos products without an active license.
TheHelpbutton redirects you to this documentation.
If you are installing for the first time and you deselected theActivate during installationoption, a browser window of the ChaosLicense Server interfaceopens. Click the Sign in from theOnline licensingmenu. You are then prompted to enter your username/email and password. Once the activation is successful, you will be able to see the list of your available licenses on the Chaos License Server home page.
You can always access the License Server activation page by typing127.0.0.1:30304in your web browser or through the Manage Chaos License Server application installed with the rest of your service functions (e.g. Windows Start Menu).
Admin Workflow
Once the license is installed locally on your machine and you've activated it, it now serves as a server to which the rest of the group can connect. Use the current machine's IP address as a connection point for the rest of the group, when performing a Premium User workflow.
Silent Installation
A silent installation allows you to complete the Chaos License Server installation without running the installer's GUI. To complete a silent installation, run the installer via command line:
cgls_win_6.0.0.exe -auto
This installs the license server with the automatic preferences and accepts the EULA.
If you want to specify a custom installation directory or choose not to add firewall exceptions, run the installer with the following command:
cgls_win_6.0.0.exe -gui=0 -quiet=1
The -quiet=1 argument automatically accepts the EULA. You can then select an installation directory and choose whether to include firewall exceptions.
If you are having any difficulty installing or running the Chaos License Server, please refer to the Troubleshooting page.
Next Step
Go to step 3 to see how to lаunch Arena.
- Step 1: Install Arena
- Step 2: Activate your license
- Step 3: Launch Arena